

Wow! We've had a very crazy couple of weeks. Things have finally calmed down and now I can blog about it! On April 24 and 25 Paul graduated! It was great. His family came into town and we had a really nice time. I know wives are generally proud of their husbands, but I just want to say a few things about how proud I am of Paul. About a year ago, he had 50 credits to finish before he could graduate, but he told me he wanted to be done by April graduation. Honestly, I really didn't think he could do it. I have faith in him, but I just didn't see how it could be done. But, he proved me wrong and worked really hard to get it all done. Plus, he did a full-time internship all that summer and worked part time throughout the school year. Anyways, that's enough bragging. Here are some pictures.


Ginger said...

50 Credits in one year!!?!?!?!?! Holy mackerel, Paul! Congratulations!

Janelle. said...

YAY! Congrats on graduation...what a great feeling! Good luck with everything...and did I see you in a picture on Danae's site running the Salt Lake Half marathon? THAT"S AWESOME!! I wish I was there to run too!

hayley said...

Congratulations Paul!!! I am truly impressed. When Heather told me about your schedule I was blown away, I didn't think it was possible either. Way to go! Also, congrats on your new job, I am so excited for you guys!!! We are going to miss you guys:)