

What could that #3 refer too? The third blog post I've done in March? The third Cadbury mini egg I've eaten today today? (Yeah right, try 20th- and they aren't even that good, we got a defective bag or something, and yes, I will be calling the company to get a refund. Mini eggs are something I take very seriously). Or could it be baby #3 coming to our house sometime early September?!?! That's right, we are expecting again. Thankfully I'm past most of the morning sickness. And I'm far enough along to tell people which is good since I started showing very soon (way sooner than with the others). In fact, I'm big enough that people are brave enough to ask me, which you know they would only do if they were pretty sure that I was. No one wants to get a "no" back on that question :). We find out what we're having in 3 more weeks, so I'll be sure to post when we know!!


Karen said...

Congrats Heather!!! I am so excited for you guys! I'm glad that you are past your morning sickness.

Joanna said...

Congratulations Heather! That's exciting news.

Riki said...

Yeah! I am so excited for you! I sympathize with the morning sickness! I had it so badly this time around! I remember the rude checker lady at our store asked me if I was pregnant when I was only like 10 wks along. I hadn't told anyone yet so I was like,"excuse me?" She said "sorry, you just look pregnant in that top." I was so offended. Granted it was oversized, but I didn't wear it again! I have 10 wks to go so I'm starting the count down!

Ben, Rebecca, Natali, Isaac, Spencer said...

That's great news!!! Congrats from the Fluhmans!!

Ginger said...

I have a pregnancy detecting superpower, so I actually already knew this. I am so excited for you guys!!! I'm glad you are feeling better. Morning sickness is no joke. I read somewhere that mothers who eat chocolate during pregnancy have calmer babies so you might want to stock up on those Cadbury eggs. Yay for babies!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Glad you're feeling better.

Angie Little-Gott

hayley said...

Congratulations!! I am so happy for you guys:) You have the cutest kids, so you better have 10 more!!! Miss you

Andrea said...

So excited for you guys! Congrats!

Lisa said...

Congratulations, Heather! How exciting! Can't wait to find out what you'll be having. Glad you're feeling better.

Cassandra said...

Congrats Heav! That's great news. Miss ya'.

Emily said...

Congratulations you guys! That is so exciting and I'm glad you are feeling better at this point. I hope you continue to feel good. I'm excited to find out what you're having!