

Lauryn started preschool last week. She was so excited for it and then when we were getting ready to go got cold feet and decided she really didn't want to go after all. I finally convinced her to go by agreeing to stay there with her, which actually worked out well since it's a co-op and I'll have my turn to teach in a few weeks. This gave me a good chance to see how it goes.
Lauryn with her backpack and alligator (her show and tell for the letter A).

*Update: Since I wrote this Lauryn has attended her second week of preschool and this time I was able to drop her off and leave. As she told Paul that night, "I was so, so brave".


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness!!! She is too grown up! How does that happen? Hev, she really looks like a preschooler! Crazy! I LOVE LOVE LOVE her.

hayley said...

She is a stylin' beautiful little girl!

AMIT said...
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