I'm getting tired of seeing my pregnant self every time I open our blog, so I thought I better make a new post. A quick note about the pregnancy though, at the doctor on Thursday he said I'm dilated to 2.5 cm and I think he said I was 80% effaced, but that seems like a lot, so I'm not sure. I'm trying not to get my hopes up about going early, since I dilated early with Lauryn and she came a week late. But, of course I can't help it and I'm really hoping this one comes early. I'll be 38 weeks in a week, so anytime after that and she'll be full term! Anyways, here are just some random pictures I've taken lately that I think are cute.

I've been wanting to make a tutu for Lauryn for forever and I finally got the stuff and did it. She totally loves it and when she first put it on she kept dancing around had the biggest smile. These were supposed to be pictures for a Valentine's card, but I never got around to actually making the card. Oh well, I guess they'll make a cute scrapbook page.

Her hair is getting so long, but it's totally uneven. I want to trim it, but Paul is against it and really, me + scissors + hair is not going to make anything more straight. I had a whole childhood of uneven bangs and I probably shouldn't submit Lauryn to the same thing.
I love the tutu pictures. You are getting so close, just plan for a late baby and then you will be extra surprised if she comes early. A trim always helps the hair along so don't be afraid to do it but get some help, I'm terrible with scissors as well.
It must be nap time since we are both on the computer at the same time!! Lauryn looks adorable in her tutu.
She is such a cutie! I love the tutu! My friend made me one for our baby, but I guess the boys will have to play with it until she can appreciate it:) Hang in there, I am so DONE being pregnant.
Being so effaced is a good thing! It will happen sooner than later I bet. Good luck with your new little one. And, Lauryn is totally a doll!
I love Lauryns tutu! She is so cute! Good luck with the new addition. If you need any help or anything at all please call me! We would love to have Lauryn over to play sometime!
Adorable pictures and tutu. Can't wait to see pictures of your newest addition. I am so excited for you!
You are an adorable pregnant lady-it was a cute picture to have up. But the pictures of Lauryn are cute too!
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