
Bed head

When I went in to check on Lauryn during her nap the other day she was sleeping in this position,

with her legs spread eagle and one propped up on the side of her crib. When I was taking a picture of it, the click of the camera and the flash woke her up, but it was okay, because she'd already been sleeping for a long time and I had the camera right there to capture her awesome post-nap hair-do. As you can see, she was pretty out of it, I think she has her dad's sleeping habits.


Ginger said...

That hairdo looks like the Prianna fluff.

hayley said...

HAH!!That's so funny:) Luke likes to sleep spread eagle too!

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sleeping with her legs spread, molesting them right in the crib is sooooooo hot