We had a really great Christmas and actually all of December this year. For the first time ever we had Christmas at our house. Paul had a week and a half off work and it was so nice to just hang out and be together. I got really lazy having a husband home all the time to help with laundry, dishes, and parenting so it took me a while to get back into my regular routine after he went back to work. And let's be honest, my regular routine isn't even that impressive, so the first part of January was a little rough at our house. But I finally felt the pull of the new year and all those resolutions that had been bouncing around in my head. So, I finally jumped back on the treadmill yesterday and I'm on my second week of a push up/sit up regimen. The kitchen is actually clean at this moment and the majority of the laundry is washed and dried (even if it is sitting in baskets waiting to be folded). And here I am finally blogging about what has been going on for the last two months!
Thanksgiving at Jenni and Rob's house

Christmas card pictures, both unsuccessful

1 comment:
Well, I, for one am impressed with your regular routine. I gave up on folding clothes a long time ago. Every boy just has his own clean laundry basket and that's where the clothes go and stay until they get worn. I love that picture of Keleni with his cars. He's going to love those in a few months!
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