
All aboard the potty train

We decided to start potty training Lauryn in hopes that when baby sister comes she'll be the only one in diapers in our house. After 2 weeks with ups and downs, we had our first accident free day yesterday. I know we still have some struggles to go, but I'm counting this as a big victory. Hooray!!!


hayley said...

wahoo!!! Way to go Lauryn:) That's awesome, the hardest part seemed to be when LUke would do well and then have accidents again. But stay positive because having accidents is the only way they learn! Keep up the good work. That will be nice to only have one set of diapers. I am going to have three because Luke still can't make it through the night. ugh... someday:)

DaNae said...

good job Laur! I am so impressed. Heather-I need all of your potty training tips.

Andrea said...

Way to go! Keep up the good work. :)

Ginger said...

Oh I'm so jealous. We tried the same thing around here but Daniel was totally oblivious as to what he was supposed to do. Oh well, I've survived two in diapers before. Way to go, Lauryn!

Emily said...

Yea! How exciting! I hope she continues to do well with that. I was just catching up and I love all the pictures. It looks like you guys had a nice Christmas. That would be so cool if you came and visited us this summer! Then we could meet your new little one too! How has your pregnancy been going? I hope you are feeling well.

Kristalyn said...

Yay, congratulations to Lauryn (and you!) I wish that I could say that we've been having the same success around here...but I'm still changing diapers for 2 little guys every day. Lauryn is beautiful!

Joanna said...

What a good girl you are Lauryn. A day without accidents--that's definitely an accomplishment Heather.