
Thomas Robert Pahulu, "4th baby"

Before Tommy was born and we didn't know what his name would be, Lauryn would bring home things she made him at school addressed "To: 4th baby". I don't know why, but I thought this was so cute and funny. It seems like each of our  children has joined the world pretty much in the fashion that they live in the world. Lauryn- slow, steady, a lot of pushing but little pain; Annie- fast and furious, completely on her terms; and Keleni- easy, peaceful, happy, with just a touch of fury. Thomas seems to follow this same pattern. My labor went pretty seamless, but then he had to stay in the NICU for a week because he couldn't keep his oxygen levels up. (Don't worry, he is completely healthy now). For the most part, he is a really easy baby. He sleeps pretty well and is pretty happy, but then every once in a while he gets a little difficult. Really he just likes to be held, so it doesn't seem fair to blame him. Unfortunately, I don't usually have two free arms to hold him, or even one free arm for that matter! I am pretty happy to let other things slide and snuggle this boy as much as I can, though! He is about as sweet as they come and we are all 100% smitten with him. Just see for yourself.


Summer fun

Here are some pix from our summer so far.
Soccer for Lauryn:
Sunday walk ( or ride :) ):
Father's Day (Lauryn had just eaten a ring pop):
Picnic at the park and trip to the Aviary with friends:
Birthday celebrations for Aunt Kalo and me:
Backyard play time:
Resting whenever we get the chance!