
A wet spring

Just a few pictures of the girls. The first one is from Lauryn's tumbling/ballet recital. I am noticing that about all of our pictures from this month are inside. Maybe because it has been raining ALL MONTH LONG!!! We have had a few nice days here and there and have spent every minute outside that we could. We got a free swing set from someone and Paul set it up a few weeks ago. The girls could swing for hours on end. I finally just started pulling up a chair to sit on while I push Annie. You might call me lazy, I just call myself pregnant (and lazy).


Happy Mother's Day

I had a really wonderful Mother's Day this year. I think it must be because of the pregnancy, but I have been so emotional and reflective lately. I just keep thinking about all the blessings that I have. My life is definitely not perfect, but I have so many things to be thankful for. All day on Mother's day I kept thinking about how blessed I am to be a mother. Yes, I started crying when Lauryn and the other kids were singing a Mother's Day song in church. This doesn't ever usually happen, but the girls were pretty well behaved all day as well. When Paul brought in Annie in the morning she said, "Happy Birthday..um, Mother's Day Mommy!", it was very cute. Paul knows the way to my heart and spoiled me with food all day. Einstein bagels and cream cheese for breakfast, turkey, bacon, and avocado croissant sandwiches for lunch, and swiss cheese fondue for dinner with chocolate caramel fondue for dessert. And he got me wood to make garden boxes for me and a compost tumbler. Now if I just knew anything about gardening!!