
cra·zy -[krey-zee]

We have come up with a new term at our house: crazy. You might think you already know this word, but at our house it is neither a noun nor an adjective, it is a verb: to crazy. This word was created by Lauryn, inspired by Annie. The definition: to create a general state of chaos, or basically to do the complete opposite of what someone wants you to do. Let me give you some examples:
Q: How did all these (choose one: toys, coupons, newspapers, clean clothes, pots and pans) get spread over every inch of the house?
A: Annie crazied them.

Q: How did my cell phone get dropped in this cup of water?
A: Annie crazied it in there.

Q: Lauryn, why are you flipping out?
A: Annie is crazying my markers.

Q: How did this dish towel get into the sock drawer?
A: Annie crazied it.

Q: How did this book get into the silverware drawer?
A: Annie crazied it.

Q: Lauryn, how did 15 pairs of your panties get on Annie's arms?
A: She crazied them on.

Q: How did this bowl of guacamole that I just made get dumped all over the floor?
A: Annie climbed up onto the counter and crazied it.

Yes, Annie is one wild, biting, jumping, snuggly and crazy girl. She keeps us on our toes, and we love her little guts.